Facebook ads agency in the UAE

How much does it cost to hire a Facebook ads agency in the UAE?

Facebook ads are a primary source of growth for the businesses nowadays because of the ads impressions that it gets within a couple of minutes. Many businesses strive to establish themselves through Facebook ads. There are many Facebook ad agencies that exist to provide the services for the aforesaid purpose. Usually Facebook ads are costly but it depends on many factors. Hiring a Facebook ads agency in the UAE is the best option that is not only cost-effective but also efficient enough to provide the results. First of all we must gather up the knowledge about what the Facebook ad consultants do?

What Do the Facebook Ad Consultants Do?

The facebook ads consultants are best known for the magical work that they do make your ads prominent. The consultants are involved in your business growth in different ways. Generally only look up your ads performance and provide you all the necessary guidelines to grow up as a business. There are other ways as well to promote the business properly and provide you with all the necessary guidelines to grow vertically. They control the ads strategy, email marketing and provide you the full funnel of facebook advertising. Important thing to note down is that the difference in the level of the services also provides a difference in the package as well. This is because just running facebook ads is a simpler task as compared to the full funnel of the ads. Most of the facebook consultants will do the following tasks to promote the ads.

  • They will set up and manage the ad campaigns and help you to reach the goals. They will optimize the ads and test them whenever required.
  • They will make an ad copy which is creative but they will generally need your help in this.
  • Their major task is the audience research.
  • They will set up ads tracking to properly analyze the ads performance.
  • Provide the reports on the performance and make the notes for your requirements.

The Pricing Structure and Its Types-Facebook ads agency in the UAE

Pricing is the key factor to decide the fate of the project for both the parties. There are many different pricing structures available but here we will discuss only three of them.

The Setup and The Management Fee Plan

It is the most common of all the available structures of payment. For any campaign there is a set up period as it takes a longer time to complete. From onboarding the client to making the tracking in place it is always a long process for the ads agencies. They usually charge for this step as well because it takes effort and expertise. The charges for this step are always in advance. Afterwards there is a monthly fee to run these campaigns. There is a lot of work always in progress to manage these campaigns likewise, monitoring the campaigns constantly, split testing ads and audiences, creation of new campaigns and reporting with proper analysis.

Percentage of the Spendings-Facebook ads agency in the UAE

The agencies which are usually larger in size predominately work on this pattern. In this type the agencies charge on a percentage of the spendings on the ads. There is a specific percentage that they charge on a certain level of the spending. For example, if monthly you are spending $5000 to $10,000 then they may charge you say 10 percent of the total spending as the management fees. The more you spend, the lesser/higher the cost may be.This option protects the consultants because on the large campaigns they have to work more harder.

Performance Based Pricing Plan

This suits the clients more because here you will only pay when the satisfactory results are provided by the consultants. In this plan the risk lowers for the clients because they will only have to spend the ads fee to facebook. Many beginners prefer this way to attract more customers. The consultants and the clients agree on a certain margin of the performance to pay and this works great for the clients but the results are not guaranteed here because consultants only act in this plan to attract the customers. Choose this plan only if you know the expertise is great enough.


This is important to know much about the Facebook ads consultants before signing any agreement with them. You can ask about them from their previous clients and for this purpose you can check their comments on their online profile. It is important to write here that it is a relationship like any other relationship and you have the right to say if you see that the work is not up to the mark to your expectations. Your Facebook advertising agency in Dubai and the rest of the UAE will consider this because for a longer partnership a good understanding is crucial. Choose the Facebook ads consultancy with great care because it is the matter of your business growth.

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